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Super Mario Bros. 3


„The biggest, most exciting MARIO BROS. adventure yet!“
240p60Hz1.0 Mono

Developer Nintendo R&D4
Publisher Nintendo
Class PlayChoice
Platform Arcade, NES
Genre Platform game
P.O.V. Sideview horizontal scroll
Series Super Mario
Players 2
Links Wikipedia, KLOV
Super Mario Bros. 3 (US)
New, different worlds!
New, exciting levels!
New challenges galore!

Fight monsters and mini-bosses, avoid ghosts and the burning sun. Make your way through water and quicksand. Dodge cannon balls and bullets and rescue the King's wand!

In Super Mario Bros. 3 there are more warps, more chances at extra lives, and new special suits! The racoon suit lets you fly and knock out blocks. The frog suit helps you out-swim deadly fish. There are suits for every occasion!

Store up flowers and mushrooms to use later on. Play game-show type bonus rounds! Go back to that last screen and get a mushroom! Pause to take a break, then continue where you left off!

Super Mario Bros. 3 is fun to play alone, or team up with a buddy to prolong the adventure!