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Strikers 1945


TATE240p60Hz1.0 Mono

Developer Psikyo
Publisher Psikyo
Genre Shooting game
P.O.V. Topview auto vertical scroll
Series Strikers 1945
Players 2
Links GameFAQs, KLOV
Strikers 1945
    DipSwitch Title   | Function | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
         Coin         |   Same   |off|                           |*
         Slots        |Individual|on |                           |
                      | 1cn/1pl  |   |off|off|off|               |*
                      | 2cn/1pl  |   |on |off|off|               |
                      | 3cn/1pl  |   |off|on |off|               |
        Coinage       | 1cn/2pl  |   |on |on |off|               |
        (Coin-A)      | 1cn/3pl  |   |off|off|on |               |
                      | 1cn/4pl  |   |on |off|on |               |
                      | 1cn/5pl  |   |off|on |on |               |
                      | 1cn/6pl  |   |on |on |on |               |
                      | 1cn/1pl  |               |off|off|off|   |*
                      | 2cn/1pl  |               |on |off|off|   |
                      | 3cn/1pl  |               |off|on |off|   |
        Coinage       | 1cn/2pl  |               |on |on |off|   |
        (Coin-A)      | 1cn/3pl  |               |off|off|on |   |
                      | 1cn/4pl  |               |on |off|on |   |
                      | 1cn/5pl  |               |off|on |on |   |
                      | 1cn/6pl  |               |on |on |on |   |
 Cont.|   Normal Mode: 1 coin to Start / 1 coin to Continue  |off|*
 Mode | Continue Mode: 2 coin to Start / 1 coin to Continue  |on |

- When there is a common coin slot, 1 or 2 players may play with the same CREDIT display
- When the coin slot is set on INDIVIDUAL, each player will have an individual coin slot with a 2
  CREDIT display.  In this case, the setting of Coin slot 1 affects Coin slot 2.
- When the machine is in the CONTINUE mode, the setting of DIP [2]~[7] will be ignored.
- When the machine settings [1]~[8] are all ON, it will be in the FREE PLAY mode.  In this mode,
  there is no need to use coins.

    DipSwitch Title   | Function | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
       Screen         |  Normal  |off|                           |*
      Rotation        |  Reverse |on |                           |
          Demo        |   Off    |   |off|                       |
         Sound+       |   On     |   |on |                       |*
                      |  Normal  |       |off|off|               |*
      Difficulty      |   Easy   |       |on |off|               |
                      |   Hard   |       |off|on |               |
                      |  V.Hard  |       |on |on |               |
                      |     3    |               |off|off|       |*
   Number of Fighters |     1    |               |on |off|       |
     At Game Start    |     2    |               |off|on |       |
                      |     4    |               |on |on |       |
         Extend       | 600,000  |                       |off|   |*
        Fighters      | 800,000  |                       |on |   |
         Test         |    Off   |                           |off|*
         Mode         |    On    |                           |on |

+ When Demo Sound is OFF, there will be no sound if the machine has not been started
* Denotes Factory Defualts