

„forude venter en teknisk og videnskabelig triumf“

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# Emne Dato Sortering Indlæg Forum
1. Destiny 2 02/04-17 69 Multiplatform
2. Zelda: Breath of the Wild 21/03-17 494 Nintendo
3. Zelda: Breath of the Wild 21/03-17 494 Nintendo
4. Zelda: Breath of the Wild 20/03-17 494 Nintendo
5. Horizon: Zero Dawn 08/03-17 233 PlayStation
6. Horizon: Zero Dawn 08/03-17 233 PlayStation
7. Horizon: Zero Dawn 05/03-17 233 PlayStation
8. Horizon: Zero Dawn 26/02-17 233 PlayStation
9. Destiny 14/02-17 903 Multiplatform
10. Destiny 10/02-17 903 Multiplatform
11. Destiny 11/02-16 903 Multiplatform
12. Halo 5: Guardians 26/10-15 49 Xbox
13. Halo 5: Guardians 25/10-15 49 Xbox
14. Halo 5: Guardians 25/10-15 49 Xbox
15. Halo 5: Guardians 25/10-15 49 Xbox
16. Halo 5: Guardians 25/10-15 49 Xbox
17. Halo 5: Guardians 25/10-15 49 Xbox
18. Destiny 11/10-15 903 Multiplatform
19. Destiny 09/09-14 903 Multiplatform
20. Rise of the Tomb Raider 15/08-14 153 Xbox
21. Rise of the Tomb Raider 15/08-14 153 Xbox
22. Destiny 25/07-14 903 Multiplatform
23. Destiny 24/07-14 903 Multiplatform
24. Shovel Knight 04/07-14 115 Multiplatform
25. Watch_Dogs 17/06-14 295 Multiplatform
26. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate i multiplayer? 16/06-14 25 Nintendo
27. Er der nogen ulemper ved at importere en PS4 fra US? 16/06-14 5 PlayStation
28. No Man's Sky 13/06-14 543 Multiplatform
29. Mario Kart 8 08/06-14 386 Nintendo
30. Mario Kart 8 07/06-14 386 Nintendo
31. Os, de voksne spillere... 05/06-14 47 Off-topic
32. Watch_Dogs 30/05-14 295 Multiplatform
33. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 29/05-14 13 Multiplatform
34. Watch_Dogs 29/05-14 295 Multiplatform
35. Watch_Dogs 29/05-14 295 Multiplatform
36. Watch_Dogs 28/05-14 295 Multiplatform
37. Watch_Dogs 27/05-14 295 Multiplatform
38. Mario Kart 8 25/05-14 386 Nintendo
39. Mario Kart 8 24/05-14 386 Nintendo
40. Mario Kart 8 18/05-14 386 Nintendo
41. Mario Kart 8 17/05-14 386 Nintendo
42. Mario Kart 8 17/05-14 386 Nintendo
43. Mario Kart 8 17/05-14 386 Nintendo
44. Mario Kart 8 17/05-14 386 Nintendo
45. Mario Kart 8 16/05-14 386 Nintendo
46. Mario Kart 8 16/05-14 386 Nintendo
47. Xbox One-lancering 15/05-14 3'794 Xbox
48. Mario Kart 8 15/05-14 386 Nintendo
49. Xbox One-lancering 08/05-14 3'794 Xbox
50. Legenden bekræftet: ET-cartridges fundet i Alamogordo 29/04-14 34 Retro
2'075 emne(r).
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