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SøgAArdSøgAArdSkrevet 15/06-04 17:24 
Nogle som har forstand på, hvordan dette forgår?

En kammerat og jeg selv, vil nemlig gerne kommentere nogle EM kampe, som man så kan lytte med på over nettet.

Men vi mangler som sagt hjælp..
Home is where the hardware is..
majjohamajjohaSkrevet 15/06-04 20:45 
En ven sendte dette til mig, håber i kan bruge det...
Goto shoutcast.com and download BOTH the server and DJ (client) software from them
First run the server and goto "edit config", follow those instructions... the most important things to change are password and maxuser, save this. Then kill and restart the server.
Now open WinAmp (i am assuming that you have used your intelligence and installed the plugin...). Goto preferences and in the plugins
section of the options down the left hand menu select "DPS/Effect"
Click on "Nullsoft Shoutcast Source....." in the window on the right. A new window will pop up and you can close the options
In the new window (Shoutcast Source), click on the "output" tab, and put in the relevant details of where your server is hosted (REMEMBER THAT IF YOU ARE ON A LAN THAT YOU NEED TO CONNECT LOCALLY TO YOUR SERVER [LOCALHOST OR YOUR LAN IP ADDRESS])
Make sure you put in the password you set in the server! Click "connect" and start playing your music! You will want to set the quality of the broadcast at the "encoder" tab.

To allow your friends (if you have any) to listen simply put http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8000 ... the string of 'x' being your ip .. make sure you use the right port which you have set
DizzyDizzySkrevet 16/06-04 00:13 
Nu skal du jo lige tænke på at du ikke bare kan kommenterer en fodboldkamp og smide det ud på nettet. Fifa ejer rettighederne, som de har solgt til de forskellige landes tv-radio-kanaler. Så går du igang med at lave kommentarer også selv om det er uden billed, vil du risikere en temmelig stor bøde, for ulovlig "pirat" virksomhed. Det eneste man lovligt kan gøre er efter kampen at lave et kort resume (uden billeder)
Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy - Benjamin Franklin
SøgAArdSøgAArdSkrevet 16/06-04 01:41 
Det er selvfølgelig ret afgørende. Desværre.. Men tak anyway :)
Home is where the hardware is..
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