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Nintendo (21)

Hero of TimeHero of TimeSkrevet 08/02-05 10:37 

jeg ville lige lave dette emne hvor vi kan give hinanden information om Nintendos næste konsol (nintendo 21)

jeg hved at navnet på den endtil den kommer vil være 21 (dette er IKKE navnet på den men det navn man har givet den ;)

der vil desværre ikke komme infomation om den på E3.

to spil som er sikker på at komme samme dag er mario 128 (som skulle havde været til GC) og et zelda spil

jeg hved meget mere men syntes også i skal sige noget ;)
3of193of19Skrevet 08/02-05 10:38 
Er Mario 128 ikke stadig planlagt til GCN?
kimmerkimmerSkrevet 08/02-05 11:16 
Der kommer vel også et Pokémon spil til den :-)
"So what?" "You try to defeat me with one finger?" "No. I pushed the vital point Gakuchu" "you're already dead"
SonicSonicSkrevet 08/02-05 11:42 
Hvorfor kommer der ikke information om den til E3? Det havde de da ellers snakket en del om?!
Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
SøgAArdSøgAArdSkrevet 08/02-05 11:42 
Er revolution blevet til 21?
Home is where the hardware is..
HeroldHeroldSkrevet 08/02-05 11:43, rettet 08/02-05 12:05 
hero of time>
der vil desværre ikke komme infomation om den på E3.

to spil som er sikker på at komme samme dag er mario 128 (som skulle havde været til GC) og et zelda spil

Og du har disse meget usandsynlige informationer hvorfra?

Sonic: Ja, lige præcis. De har sagt at den ville være der, de ved bare ikke i hvilken form endnu (spilbar, display, video osv.).

Edit: Reply til Sonic. :)
This isn't life in the fast lane. This is life in oncoming traffic.Spiller nu: Left 4 Dead 2
DommergaardDommergaardSkrevet 08/02-05 14:05 
Nintendo 21? Lyder da ulækkert... så hellere kalde den Dolphin igen! ;]
Hero of TimeHero of TimeSkrevet 08/02-05 14:11, rettet 08/02-05 14:14 
informationerne har jeg fra www.cube-europe.com og www.nintendo.jp ;)

og nogle andre sider! jeg kan finde en tegning og et lille stykke på engelsk

he controller will contain gyroscopes, allowing for motion-control gaming
It will have dual processors and built-in broadband, which will hopefully be utilised a bit more than GameCube's if it does happen
The DS will not connect to it, but possibly the 'Game Boy Evolution' will
The unit itself will have four controller ports, a hard drive, and support for high-resolution displays and Dolby Digital 5.1 channel surround sound
The unit will use HD-DVD (an 'upgrade' of DVDs but also the competitor to Sony's Blu-ray discs) and be backwards compatible with GameCube games.
The console will launch with a Mario game, and a Zelda game is in the works

og dette

- Name of machine is "Nintendo 21?
- planned for release at end of 2005
- medium is 2-sided 8cm disc, 5.4GB capacity, in a shellcase
- includes "Home Game function" which uses IEEE protocol to locate and communicate with other Nintendo 21s in the vicinity
- "Home Game function" is free, connect the AC adaptor and the machine talks to nearby Nintendo 21s and "Nintendo Home"s (? could be Form instead of Home - katakana is vague). Save data is stored on the main unit and affects other machines over the network.
- "Nintendo Home" machine is like a base station that will be put in many places and uses the PHS network for communication (popular mobile phone network). Will connect to handheld game machines and supports "Home Game function", also sends latest info from Nintendo.
- "Nintendo Home" is being jointly developed with Kyosera.
- controller is like GC controller but "rubbing" is possible - e.g. you can control movement in a game by rubbing the controller/buttons. Also the controller has a slot.
- The whole controller is pressure sensitive. So rubbing can be done with the buttons or via grip.
- Digital outputs included

og her er billedet

men dette er jo KUN rygter.

jeg har dog hørt at den kommer i år 2006 og der ikke vil blive hvist noget på E3 da de er bange for at andre stjæler deres ideér :( :D

og Mario 128 vil IKKE komme til NGC men N21

glæder mig vildt til Zelda E

Nintendo "21"
SonicSonicSkrevet 08/02-05 14:50 
Quoter lige her:

Next-generation console platform will definitely appear in Los Angeles this May

Nintendo has confirmed that it plans to unveil its next-generation console, codenamed Revolution, at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo in May, but the company is still considering how best to announce it without giving too much away.

Speaking in a recent interview with Japanese magazine ITmedia Games, Nintendo of Japan PR Office Manager Toyoda Ken said, "we are still looking at E3 as a launching pad for the 'Revolution' platform, and are deliberating if we should feature the actual console, visuals, or simply illustrate the concept behind it".

However the Nintendo man said the company was cautious about saying too much. "While we are aiming to make some form of positive impression, we also want to avoid giving away too much, and are therefore currently in a dilemma about the situation," he added.

Still on Revolution, he said Nintendo had "absolutely no intention of approaching our new hardware with the intent of making it an extension of the line of hardware we've released up to this point," which almost certainly rules out "GameCube 2" as the official moniker-to-be.

"The fundamental approach to making things at Nintendo will not change," he said when asked about external pressures, before adding it was safe to say Nintendo was "embarking on a different direction than our competitors."

E3 is definitely the target though, as Nintendo is not considering any Nintendo-only events "at this stage".

As a final word on Revolution, Ken took a minor swipe at competitors Sony and Microsoft, both of whom have made stat or tech-heavy announcements in the past, by saying, "fun isn't something that can be expressed in figures, and we are ever mindful of how we can illustrate the difference offered by our particular brand of fun".

Toyoda Ken also said that the DS would feature prominently at E3 - particularly on account of the show's proximity to its 11th March European launch date. "Following the upcoming release of the DS in Europe, we are looking to use E3 as a means of generating additional momentum for the platform," he said.

Sakset fra http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=6657
Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
Hero of TimeHero of TimeSkrevet 08/02-05 14:52 
lyder godt (hvis det passer ;))
SonicSonicSkrevet 08/02-05 14:54 
Ja, lad os nu se i maj :)
Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
Hero of TimeHero of TimeSkrevet 08/02-05 15:00 
Ja, lad os nu se i maj :)

glæder mig vildt

kan ik vente til 2006 :(
SonicSonicSkrevet 08/02-05 15:02 
Nej jeg er også ret spændt på deres næste konsol... der er jo trodsalt begyndt at rulle en lille hype efterhånden, med alle de rygter der florerer rundt omkring :D
Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
SephirothSephirothSkrevet 08/02-05 15:09 
Utroligt, du kunne ikke være mere galt på den!

hero of time>
jeg hved at navnet på den endtil den kommer vil være 21 (dette er IKKE navnet på den men det navn man har givet den ;)

Nintendo 21-navnet var et usandt rygte. Den har stadig kodenavnet "Revolution".

hero of time>der vil desværre ikke komme infomation om den på E3.

Jo, der vil den blive afsløret.

hero of time>- to spil som er sikker på at komme samme dag er mario 128 (som skulle havde været til GC) og et zelda spil

Hvor har du det fra? Tvivler på, at Nintendo udgiver to af deres største franchises på samme dag. Desuden er et next-gen Zelda ikke engang afsløret, og en talsmand fra Nintendo har for nylg udtalt, at Mario 128 MÅSKE rykkes til Revolution.
Spiller nu: Catherine, Beyond Good & Evil HD
Hero of TimeHero of TimeSkrevet 08/02-05 15:38 
de nyeste svar jeg har hørt var at nintendo ikke ville vise den da de var bange for at PS stæjler deres ideér og det har jeg fra www.cube-europe.com :S

der er sagt på ninrtendo.jp at det er flyttet

og der vil komme et zelda spil på dagen men det bliver jo først i år 2006 - 2007 og de siger jo også at de vil udgive den efter PS3 og den kommer først i år 2006
RuneSPRuneSPSkrevet 08/02-05 15:42 
De har sagt at de ikke vil vise den FØR E3 netop pga af deres ideer kan bliver "stjålet". De ved dog ikke endnu hvilken form den kommer i på E3, da de heller ikke vil afsløre det "hele" endnu, eller sådan noget :)
SonicSonicSkrevet 08/02-05 16:12, rettet 08/02-05 16:12 
Haha, dette er napset fra den side du angav som kilde før :D

News: Nintendo Talks Revolution
By Ash - Feb 4th 2005 23:15

After a spat of recent rumours regarding the next generation Nintendo console its always nice to hear Nintendo speak about it instead.

Ken Toyota, Nintendo chief of public relations, recently spoke to ITmedia about many topics. While he spoke about the GBA Famicom Mini titles and the sales of the DS, it is his talk of Nintendo's next console that will generate most discussion amongst fans.

"E3 will be the starting point for the Revolution. [We haven't decided] whether we will show the real machine, videos, or unveil the concept. ... We want to receive some level of evaluation, but releasing too much information is also another issue. We don't have the slightest intention of making a machine that follows the same path as conventional game hardware. Right now, we are thinking of how we can accurately convey to people at E3 the different path that the Revolution will take and how it will change the way that games will be enjoyed."

It seems that Nintendo regularly survey DS users to build up a demographic database, and it seems that girl gamers are up seven percent. This means that now twenty-two percent of DS owners are female. The amount of "mature" (over-nineteen years old) gamers has also rise, from forty-nine to fifty-nine percent.

Nintendo has recently dropped expectations of games sales from 15 million to 10 million. Initially they based the estimate on the ratio of games to unit sales of the GBA but Toyota speculates that because PictoChat and a demo of Metroid Prime: Hunters were included gamers did not need to purchase software immediately.

Toyoto commented that some of the highest-grossing titles of last year were the Famicom Mini (or Classic NES) games. In total they have so far grossed approximately 7.21 million copies to date.

Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics
ValkyrieValkyrieSkrevet 08/02-05 16:18 
Hero of Time>

It will have dual processors and built-in broadband, which will hopefully be utilised a bit more than GameCube's if it does happen

Dual processors?

Var det ikke et "no-no" stunt efter Saturn? Havde SEGA ikke gjort et eller andet ligende for at give maskinen mere kræft til at konkurere mod Playstation? Jeg troede bare at næsten ingen udvikler kunne udnytte de to processorere?

Well crucify the insincere tonight...
RuneSPRuneSPSkrevet 08/02-05 17:00 
Det er jo også kun nogle meget usandsynlige rygter.
Hero of TimeHero of TimeSkrevet 08/02-05 17:30 
jeg tro ikke at de laver det i maskinen :S
Hero of TimeHero of TimeSkrevet 08/02-05 17:57 
jeg fandt lige dette:

ZøvnigZøvnigSkrevet 19/02-05 15:55 
Der er snart så mange rygter på nettet at jeg ikke helt ved hvad jeg skal tro. Min umiddelbare holdning er at det meste sandsynligvis bare er gætterier. Jeg er meget nervøs for om Nintendos Revolution ender som en ren geni streg elller et gimmick der bliver gennemskuet med det samme. Jeg har normalt meget stor tiltro til Nintendo da de endnu ikke har skuffet mig. Og de er efter min overbevisning begyndt at rette en masse af de dumme fejl de har lavet tidligere. Så tør kun gisne om hvad der sker når vi bliver præpsenteret før Deres Revolution.

Tror bare jeg læner mig tilbage og lader være med at tænke så meget mere over det indtil der er facts på bordet officielt fra Nintendo selv :)

Jeg har et liv = jeg har Animal Crossing!!!
JoachimMAJoachimMASkrevet 21/02-05 20:12 
Jeg er enig med Zøvnig. Fulgte med i rygtemaskinen omkring Gamecube dengang (dolphin), og det meste af det var jo bare crap, som var opfundet af opfindsomme gaming skribenter på nintendo fan sider. Jeg venter tålmodigt til Nintendo kommer med officiele udtalelser.
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