Update # 30 - Friends Left Behind

There are consoles that never quite make it, and there are consoles that only gets to the prototype stage, only to be discarded when newer hardware takes it place. The story of the Panasonic M2 is long and harsh, so this update will only feature a very short resume - a full story is yet to be written.

The Panther was like the Panasonic M2. It came close, but never made it to production. Looking back, one might wonder what would have happened if these beasts had actually made it to production. Full story will follow - enjoy the pictures for now.

The WoWoWo is, in the contrary to the next console - very unknown by the masses, and was actually never more than just a prototype.

The above consoles might have made their mark in the industry, the M2 might even have threatened the existence of the PlayStation - but the Indrema L600 would have changed everything. Or so I'd like to think.

The Indrema was (like the Dreamcast?) a naive dream, a product for the perfect world. A Linux based super console of its time, featuring highly impressive specs along with every free standard available - this would have been, in it super-sleek shell, a revolution within the gaming industry. It is truly a shame it never was to be.