Strike Force

Strike Force


240p60Hz1.0 Mono

Developer Midway
Publisher Midway
Class Midway Unit Y
Genre Shooting game
Players 2
Links GameFAQs, KLOV
Strike Force
DESCRIPTION                           1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
DIFFICULTY         1                 OFF ON  ON
                   2                 OFF OFF ON
                   3                 OFF ON  OFF
                   4                 OFF OFF OFF
                   5                 ON  OFF OFF
                   6                 ON  OFF ON
                   7                 ON  ON  OFF
                   8                 ON  ON  ON
# SHIPS            3                             OFF
                   4                             ON
BONUS POINTS       40K                               OFF ON
                   50K                               OFF OFF
                   75K                               ON  OFF
                   100K                              ON  ON
START/CONTINUE     1C/1C CONTINUE                            OFF
                   2C/1C CONTINUE                            ON
COIN METERS        METER #1 USA                                  OFF
                   METER #2 EUROPE                               ON

DESCRIPTION                           1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
TEST MODE          NORMAL            OFF
                   TEST              ON
COIN #1            1C/1P                 OFF OFF OFF OFF
                   1C/2P                 OFF OFF OFF ON
                   1C/3P                 OFF OFF ON  OFF
                   1C/4P                 OFF OFF ON  ON
COIN #2            1C/1P                                 OFF OFF OFF
                   1C/2P                                 OFF OFF ON
                   1C/3P                                 OFF ON  OFF
                   UK DOOR                               ON  ON  OFF
                   FREE PLAY                             ON  ON  ON
PLAYER CONTROLS - Each player has an 8-way joystick and four buttons. The
joystick controls the movement of the ship. The buttons are Start/Transform,
Fire, Weapon, and Weapon Select.

START/TRANSFORM - This button is used to start or continue a game. If a game
is in progress, this button toggles the player between ship and turret modes.
The ship is more mobile than the turret, but the turret has better firepower.
During a 2-player game, if one player is the ship and the other player is the
turret, the turret is docked onto the ship unless the player does a quick
double-click on the START/TRANSFORM button when transforming.

FIRE - This button is used to fire the player's standard weapon. When this
button is held down, the weapon goes into rapid-fire mode. The Rapid Fire
Counter is incremented by 100 each time a Rapid Fire Icon is picked up. The
greater the Rapid Fire Counter value, the faster the weapon fires.

WEAPON - This button is used to fire the special weapons in the player's
arsenal. The player is awarded special weapons by starting or continuing
a game, by finding them on the planet's surface, or by rescuing colonists.
When two players are docked together, they are both awarded a picked up
weapon. There are over twelve weapons to discover and master.

WEAPON SELECT - This button is used to select weapons in the player's
arsenal. Players accumulate weapons and use them as needed. The weapon 
currently being used is in a flashing box. Each time the WEAPON SELECT
button is pressed, the current weapons are shifted one to the left. The
game announces the name of the chosen weapon so the player knows what is
selected without watching the arsenal. It's helpful to keep the sound level
load enough to hear the game's speech clearly.