Star Fire


240p60Hz1.0 Mono

Developer Exidy
Publisher Exidy
Edition US, Cockpit US
Genre Shooting game
Players 1
Links GameFAQs, KLOV
Star Fire
on +-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-+
   |                 |
   |                 |

sw1  sw2
---  ---   Time of Play for each 300 fuel units
off  off   60 seconds
on   off   70 seconds
off  on    80 seconds
on   on    90 seconds

          sw3  sw4
          ---  ---   Coins To Start     Fuel Per Coin
          off  off   1                  300 
          off  on    1                  600
          on   off   2                  150
          on   on    2                  300

                    sw5  sw6
                    ---  ---   Points Needed For Bonus
                    off  off   300
                    on   off   500
                    off  on    700
                    on   on    No Bonus

                               ---  Length of time score table is shown
                                    during attract mode
                               off  Fixed length
                               on   Fixed length plus as long as fire button
                                    is held

                                    ---   Mode
                                    off   Play and Attract
                                    on    Diagnostic Tests