


480i60Hz1.0 Mono

Developer Bally Midway
Publisher Bally Midway
Dimensions 64×86×183cm 125kg
Also for
Amiga, Amstrad, Apple II...
Amiga, Amstrad, Apple II, Atari 2600, Atari 7800, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Lynx, Master System, NES, Pc, Spectrum
Edition US
Genre Fighting game / Platform game
P.O.V. Sideview
Series Rampage
Control Digital
Players 3
Links GameFAQs, KLOV
SW1,2: # difficulty
off   off   1 (factory setting)
on    off   0 easy
off   on    2 advanced
on    on    1 plus free play

SW3: score option
on    lose score when continuing
off   keep score when continuing

SW4: coins/credits for chute 1
on   1 coin/credit
off  2 coins/credit

SW5,6,7: coins/credits for chute 2
SW5    SW6    SW7    COIN   CREDIT
off    off    off    1      1
on     off    off    1      2
off    on     off    1      3
on     on     off    1      4
off    off    on     1      5
on     off    on     1      6
off    on     on     2      1
on     on     on     3      1

SW8: rack advance
off    game play
on     rack advance (service button advances rack counter on bottom
                     center of screen--when the current city is finished,
                     next city will be indicated city number)
SW9: not used
SW10: freeze
off   normal video
on    freeze video
Note: factory setting is all switches off