Power Instinct


240p60Hz1.0 Mono

Developer Atlus
Publisher Atlus
Also for Genesis, Super Nintendo
Genre Versus-fighting game
P.O.V. Sideview
Series Power Instinct
Players 2
Links KLOV
Power Instinct
    DipSwitch Title   | Function | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
     Screen Flip      |  Normal  |off|                           |*
                      |   Flip   |on |                           |
                      | 1cn/1pl  |   |off|off|off|               |*
                      | 1cn/2pl  |   |on |off|off|               |
                      | 1cn/3pl  |   |off|on |off|               |
        Coin 1        | 1cn/4pl  |   |on |on |off|               |
                      | 2cn/1pl  |   |off|off|on |               |
                      | 3cn/1pl  |   |on |off|on |               |
                      | 4cn/1pl  |   |off|on |on |               |
                      | 2S / 1C# |   |on |on |on |               |
                      | 1cn/1pl  |               |off|off|off|   |*
                      | 1cn/2pl  |               |on |off|off|   |
                      | 1cn/3pl  |               |off|on |off|   |
        Coin 2        | 1cn/4pl  |               |on |on |off|   |
                      | 2cn/1pl  |               |off|off|on |   |
                      | 3cn/1pl  |               |on |off|on |   |
                      | 4cn/1pl  |               |off|on |on |   |
                      | 2S / 1C# |               |on |on |on |   |
     Free Play        |    Off   |                           |off|*
                      |    On    |                           |on |

    DipSwitch Title   | Function | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
                      |  Normal  |off|off|                       |*
      Difficulty      |   Easy   |on |off|                       |
                      |   Hard   |off|on |                       |
                      |  Hardest |on |on |                       |
      Game Time       |  Normal  |       |off|                   |*
                      |  Short   |       |on |                   |
     Blood Color      |    Red   |           |off|               |*
                      |    Blue  |           |on |               |
       Continue       |    On    |               |off|           |*
                      |    Off   |               |on |           |
     Demo Sounds      |    Off   |                   |off|       |*
                      |    On    |                   |on |       |
    "Join In" Mode^   |    On    |                       |off|   |*
                      |    Off   |                       |on |   |
     Coin Chutes      | 1 Chute  |                           |off|*
                      | 2 Chutes |                           |on |

* - Denotes Factory Defualts

# - 2 Coins to Start, 1 Coin to Continue

^ - In "Join In" mode, a second player can join even if one player
    has already begun to play.  Please refer to chart below:

| Join In Mode |           Credit              |  Join In  |            Game Over            |
|  Join In ON  |     1 Credit per Player       |  Anytime  |   Winner of VS Plays Computer   |
|              |                               | Available |                                 |
|  Join In OFF | 1 Credit = VS Mode 2 players  |  Cannot   |    After win VS Game Over for   |
|              |                               |           |           both players          |