Operation Wolf

Operation Wolf


240p60Hz1.0 Mono

Genredefinerende lyspistolspil. Som kommandosoldat skal spilleren overtage seks baser, mens fjender nedskydes og gidsler reddes.
Developer East Technology
Publisher Taito
Dimensions 65×116×190cm 130kg
Also for
Amiga, Amstrad, Atari ST...
Amiga, Amstrad, Atari ST, Commodore 64, FM Towns, Master System, NES, PC Engine, Spectrum
Edition US
Genre Target shooting game
P.O.V. First person
Theme Terrorism / War
Series Operation Wolf
Control Gun
Players 1
Links GameFAQs, KLOV
Operation Wolf
    DipSwitch Title   | Function | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
        Cabinet       | NY Convrt|off|                           |
         Type         |  Upright |on |                           |*
         Flip         |  Without |   |off|                       |
         Play         |   With   |   |on |                       |*
         Test         |  Normal  |       |off|                   |*
         Mode         |   Test   |       |on |                   |
        Attract       | 3rd Round|           |off|               |*
         Sound        |    No    |           |on |               |
                      | 1cn/1pl  |               |off|off|       |*
        Coinage       | 2cn/1pl  |               |on |off|       |
        (Coin-A)      | 3cn/1pl  |               |off|on |       |
                      | 4cn/1pl  |               |on |on |       |
                      | 1cn/2pl  |                       |off|off|*
        Coinage       | 1cn/3pl  |                       |on |off|
        (Coin-B)      | 1cn/4pl  |                       |off|on |
                      | 1cn/6pl  |                       |on |on |

    DipSwitch Title   | Function | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
                      |  Normal  |off|off|                       |*
      Difficulty      |   Easy   |on |off|                       |
                      |   Hard   |off|on |                       |
                      |  V.Hard  |on |on |                       |
                      |     6    |       |off|off|               |*
   Number of Bullet   |     7    |       |on |off|               |
  Mags at Game Start  |     5    |       |off|on |               |
                      |     4    |       |on |on |               |
       Unused: Do Not Touch                      |off|off|off|   |*
        Game          | Japanese |                           |off|
        Title         | English  |                           |on |*

* Denotes Factory Defualts