Dead Connection


240p60Hz1.0 Mono

Developer Taito
Publisher Taito
Class Taito F1
Edition US
Genre Shooting game
Players 4
Links GameFAQs, KLOV
Dead Connection
    DipSwitch Title   | Function | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
        Play          |   Table  |off|                           |
        Style         |  Upright |on |                           |*
       Screen         |  Normal  |   |off|                       |*
      Rotation        | Reverse  |   |on |                       |
         Test         |  Normal  |       |off|                   |*
         Mode         |   Test   |       |on |                   |
        Attract       |   With   |           |off|               |
         Sound        |  Without |           |on |               |*
                      | 1cn/1pl  |               |off|off|       |*
        Coinage       | 2cn/1pl  |               |on |off|       |
        (Coin-A)      | 3cn/1pl  |               |off|on |       |
                      | 4cn/1pl  |               |on |on |       |
                      | 1cn/2pl  |                       |off|off|*
        Coinage       | 1cn/3pl  |                       |on |off|
        (Coin-B)      | 1cn/4pl  |                       |off|on |
                      | 1cn/6pl  |                       |on |on |

    DipSwitch Title   | Function | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
                      |    30    |off|off|                       |*
 Qualifing Per Round  |    25    |on |off|                       |
                      |    40    |off|on |                       |
                      |    50    |on |on |                       |
                      |    10    |       |off|off|               |*
 Player's First Life  |     8    |       |on |off|               |
                      |    12    |       |off|on |               |
                      |     5    |       |on |on |               |
           Not Used                              |off|off|off|   |*
       Game Type      |  Double  |                           |off|*
    Control Panels    |  Single  |                           |on |

Qualifing Per Round: The minimum enemies to be shot per round to
                     advance to the next scene.

Player's First Lift: How many times the play can be shoot before
                     loosing a life.

* Denotes Factory Defualts