Citaternes kamp!

FourDFourDSkrevet 22/03-04 18:52 
Jeg elsker opgør :P (hvis i ikke allerede har bemærket det)

Hvad er No. 1 citat, ever?
Mit bud må helt klart være:
"Totalt yndlings morgenmads monster!" -Robert (langt fra las vegas)

Andre bud?
Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, manSpiller nu: World Of Goo, Grand Theft Auto: The B..., Final Fantasy Tactics A...
majjohamajjohaSkrevet 22/03-04 18:55 
Det hvor Rune Klan i Den Ægte Varer startere sit show med at skulle rive en dug af imens tingene skulle blive stående, og han så river det væk og det flyver af helv*de til, mens han siger: "Fuck nu af!"
HardballerHardballerSkrevet 22/03-04 18:55 
Total lam tråd, evt? Hehe.. Meen, an kan jo ligeså godt få det sjoveste ud af det :D

Jeg kan lige komme med 3, både fun og gode..(de er ikke i rækkefølge efter hvor gode de er)

There's no point of living, if you can't feel alive(TWINE)
LaL - Som betyder, Laughing avt Lavt(Mig selv :D)
FourDFourDSkrevet 22/03-04 18:57, rettet 22/03-04 19:00 
Dette er ikke en lam tråd!
Jeg har bare en underlig trang til at lave ligegyldige opgør..
Back to the topic!


Og lad mig lige rette lidt på din tråd..
MAN KAN IKKE CITERE ET SHOW! Men derimod godt en stand-upper ;)
Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, manSpiller nu: World Of Goo, Grand Theft Auto: The B..., Final Fantasy Tactics A...
dchangdchangSkrevet 22/03-04 19:15 
"At høre mænd snakke om kvinder, er som at høre blinde snakke om farver"

Kan dog ikke lige huske hvem der har sagt det.
Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics; even if you win, you're still retarded.
fumfumSkrevet 22/03-04 19:25 
"you're newer alone with a schizofrenic"
I used to jog, but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.
MrCaseMrCaseSkrevet 22/03-04 19:26 
"You have to let it all go. Fear; Doubt; And disbelief"
(Matrix 1)
Have you considered sucking less?
kidcaffeinekidcaffeineSkrevet 22/03-04 19:29 
"I don't think that people accept the fact that life doesn't make sense. I think it makes people terribly uncomfortable. It seems like religion and myth were invented against that, trying to make sense out of it."

- David Lynch
Anders_JensenAnders_JensenSkrevet 22/03-04 19:32, rettet 22/03-04 19:33 
Vil du høre noget som at der er dobbelt sejt og gør kællingerne fugtig i fugen? Patter :P Hvem andre en vores gode ven Robert!

Alt der kan gå galt, går galt på det værst tænkelige tidspunkt. Murfys lov? eller?

BTW: Drengen der har opretten denne tråd er jo enten ved at dø af kedsomhed eller mangel på kreativitet.. lidt ligesom mit citat :P
Sælg mig en Xbox =)
CoreCoreSkrevet 22/03-04 19:38 
Psycho...The illusion of invincibility combined with a strong homicidal urge. (Ving Rhames, Striptease).

Are you such a fucking looser, that you can't see when you've won ? (Harvey Keitel, From Dusk Till Dawn).

Fighting for peace, is like fucking for virginity...(Crazytown).

Håber at F-ordene, overlever censurens skarpe kniv, for de SKAL jo næsten med :-)
Spiller nu: Mass Effect 3, Twisted Metal (2012), SSX (2012)
HyakotakeHyakotakeSkrevet 22/03-04 19:51 
I Liek Milk!
DarkenDarkenSkrevet 22/03-04 21:00 
hmn har valgt et par enkelte stykker, i tilfældig orden:

"The biggest mistake people make when designing something completely foolproof, is underestimating the ingenuity of complete fools"
Douglas Adams "Mostly Harmless"

"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila."
Mitch Ratliffe

"If things go wrong, don't go with them."
Roger Babson.

"Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink"
"Watch your back, conserve ammo, and never cut a deal with a Dragon"
ReinholdJJReinholdJJSkrevet 22/03-04 21:09 
Of All The Things I Lost, I Miss My Mind The Most :D
den er altid go' hehe :)
"If Microsoft is the solution, I want my problem back." ;-)
RonaldoSanRonaldoSanSkrevet 22/03-04 21:56 
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Michael Jordan
quadquadSkrevet 22/03-04 21:57 
'En idiot med en computer er en hurtigere og bedre idiot'
KeenKeenSkrevet 22/03-04 22:04, rettet 22/03-04 22:08 
Hvis man vil bevise Murphy's lov, vil det så gå galt???

Enhver løsning avler nye problemer - Murphy's Lov


FourDFourDSkrevet 22/03-04 22:11, rettet 22/03-04 22:11 
Ej at glemme Pirates of carribean (som efter min mening er filmen med flest punchlines, OVERHOVEDET!)

Kaptajnen: "You're the worst pirate i've ever heard of"
Jack sparrow: "But you have heard of me!"
Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, manSpiller nu: World Of Goo, Grand Theft Auto: The B..., Final Fantasy Tactics A...
HardballerHardballerSkrevet 22/03-04 22:20 
Ja Willi, hehe.. Så lige filmen igår :D

I øvrigt tager jeg jo bare en citat fra Micktrix.. LUDER!!!
DeluxScanDeluxScanSkrevet 23/03-04 01:06, rettet 23/03-04 01:07 
"People who talk in methaphors ought to shampoo my crotch!" - Jack Nicholson som Melvin Udall, As Good As It Gets.
Life is like videogame: It doesn't matter how good you get, you always get zapped in the end.Spiller nu: Battlestations: Pacific, Saboteur, The, Tropico 3
KillercowKillercowSkrevet 23/03-04 01:21 
Shop smart. Shop S-Mart.
DizzyDizzySkrevet 23/03-04 01:50 
Well så må jeg hellere smide et par citater fra min store favorit W. C. Fields (verdens største komiker ;)

I am free of all prejudice; I hate everyone equally.

A rich man is nothing but a poor man with money

Any man that loves whiskey and hates children can't be all that bad

I always keep a supply of stimulant (alcohol) handy in case I see a snake - which I also keep handy
Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy - Benjamin Franklin
KakarotKakarotSkrevet 23/03-04 10:27, rettet 23/03-04 10:29 
Er er nogle af mine favoritter :)

"Waking up in the morning would be a whole lot easier if it involved flopping into bed, burying my head into my pillow, and closing my eyes." ????

"This film cost $31 million. With that kind of money I could have invaded some country."
Clint Eastwood.

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
Albert Einstein

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." ?????

"A positive attitude will not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
"It´s not the power of the first that wins the fight. It´s the power of the will behind it"
BomberBomberSkrevet 24/03-04 15:44, rettet 24/03-04 15:44 
Benjamin Nielsen
*But...it is written if the Evil Spirit arms the Tiger with claws Brahman provided wings for the Dove Thus spake the Super Guru*
LessCDTLessCDTSkrevet 24/03-04 21:43, rettet 24/03-04 22:02 
Why do you do it?
Because we can!
First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win
- Mahadma Ghandi
(sagt med skotsk accent)

Arh jesus christ, this diaper s' making my nuts rub together
Its gonna start a fire!

Hey diaper ladyl, here's my diaper
... ond latter...
I think I might've just punched one off too soon
Oh aye. I left a rosebud in there for you
... ond latter...
Bwarhhh! Bwaaarhhhg!
Austin: You really are a fat Bastard!

Can ikke lige huske hvilken præsident, mener at det var Nickson. Men ellers typisk amerikansk ;P
Én beskidt sok kommer sjældent alene!
kidcaffeinekidcaffeineSkrevet 24/03-04 23:05 
I always keep a supply of stimulant (alcohol) handy in case I see a snake - which I also keep handy

Haha, den var ikke helt dårlig :D
SquareSquareSkrevet 25/03-04 02:10 
Den her er sød :)

When you realise that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

Kan ikke huske hvem der sagde det.
It's only a state of mind.
fearless popcornfearless popc...Skrevet 26/03-04 12:04 
'Og så sprængte Lille Søde Sally Sukkertop, Bedstemor Bob i luften.'
just plug it in.
Born2PlayBorn2PlaySkrevet 26/03-04 13:30 
"Jeg har bulimi - Jeg kaster bare ikke op bagefter"
Swine flu for me and you!Spiller nu: Batman: Arkham Asylum
GakuGakuSkrevet 26/03-04 13:47 
"Lad de små børn kommer til mig."

Kan dog ikke lige huske hvem der har sagt det, men jeg mener at det var Michael Jackson.
DarkenDarkenSkrevet 26/03-04 14:31 
heh prøv heller biblen ;)
"Watch your back, conserve ammo, and never cut a deal with a Dragon"
SøgAArdSøgAArdSkrevet 26/03-04 18:18 
"Is it healthy? The rain, the cold, the Germany?" ~ Tom DeLonge
Home is where the hardware is..
FourDFourDSkrevet 27/03-04 16:09, rettet 27/03-04 16:21 
"I got a big poison snake up my ass!" (udtales med Australsk accent) - Rune Klan
Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, manSpiller nu: World Of Goo, Grand Theft Auto: The B..., Final Fantasy Tactics A...
ValkyrieValkyrieSkrevet 27/03-04 16:25 
"Henstilligen er tildelt af Naiera."-Naiera

Well crucify the insincere tonight...
kidcaffeinekidcaffeineSkrevet 27/03-04 16:27 
Haha, ja, det er en sand klassiker der har sin plads i historiebøgerne ;)
McPlayboyMcPlayboySkrevet 27/03-04 17:53 
hahahhahahah Naiera
FourDFourDSkrevet 27/03-04 18:07, rettet 27/03-04 18:26 
"Henstilligen er tildelt af Naiera."-Naiera

Ja, den kender de fleste herinde jo ;)
Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, manSpiller nu: World Of Goo, Grand Theft Auto: The B..., Final Fantasy Tactics A...
EulogyEulogySkrevet 28/03-04 19:23 
Flanders til Homer: Looks like your missing a piece...

Homer til Flanders: Looks like your missing a whife...

He he det er sgu et fedt citat..
'Hi super nintendo Chalmers'
FourDFourDSkrevet 29/03-04 14:49 
"Det ved jeg sgu da ikk, jeg er jo bare en kok!" - I kina spiser de hunde, Kokkene

Den er fandme en klassiker!
Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, manSpiller nu: World Of Goo, Grand Theft Auto: The B..., Final Fantasy Tactics A...
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