Ninja Gaiden ingame film (11min)

APHAPHSkrevet 11/02-04 21:45 
Her kan I downloade en lækker ingame film fra ninja gaiden


Hvorfor trykker i på mig? :/
Spiller nu: Civilization IV, Halo 3, Everybody's Golf: World...
ValkyrieValkyrieSkrevet 12/02-04 00:43 
Jeg downloader lige, men jeg har set nogen andre in game film.

Jeg tvivler lidt på den her?

Er jeg den eneste der synes det lugter som en ny Brute Force?

Grafikken og imponerende features, men en 200+ Combo, gør da ikke et spil godt?:(

Jeg er bange for at det bliver meget med at gå rundt i lange kedelige korridore og slashe sig igennem dem! Det bliver dog helt sikkert med stil!

Vi kan dog håbe på en god og dyb historie:)
Well crucify the insincere tonight...
APHAPHSkrevet 12/02-04 09:39 
Et indtryk af demoen:
Let's start with what was the main concern, the gameplay. It's almost perfect ! Each button has a logical usage, everything just plays as you would expect it should. Moving Ryu is almost totally instinctive. Every movement is natural and some little touches like the way you can change the Nunchakus direction while attacking just adds to the depth of all that. Simple, but very effective.
The only thing I can think that I did not like about the gameplay is that the X button is used for the main attack, but also for opening doors. Sometimes in the middle of a fight you'll just open a door and go to the next room, resetting all the ennemies. It's not that bad but it can be annoying.

The graphics are almost as good as I hoped they would be. A few textures are a bit "dreamcastish" in the way they seem a bit fake, but that's all. Everything else looks exactly like Team Ninja promised us with all the screenshots, they did not lie ! There is a bit of aliasing, but it's not bad at all.
The animations are also breathtaking. Ryu moves very gracefully and every movement is just perfectly natural. A few details just add to all this, like the way some torches are destroyed.

I've detected some slowdowns during some heavy fightings in close-up. Itakagi has warned that the demo had not been optimized completely, and the delay until February is mostly due to that. Hopefully it will be totally fixed for the final version.

To conclude, I'd say that the demo almost totally delivered what I dreamed this game would be. I've totally enjoyed playing that level about 10 times so I would not totally suck while recording the video. And yes I lost the fight against the boss because I wanted to show the 3rd weapon on some magic. He's not that hard to beat, but it's still a very nice fight (and just these fights would make an excellent fighting game !).

You may notice some stuttering in the video, it's the deinterlacing system I use that just could not totally cope with the true 60 fps of the game. It's perfect on my TV.
There is a glitch in the video. At about 9 minutes the sound and image are not in sync anymore. Unfortunately it happened directly during the capture and I can't do anything except redo the whole thing. If there are too many complaints then I'll do that...

Update : Some people have written on the forums about the seeming lack of depth of the gameplay. Let me just say that it's my fault. I usually suck at this type of game, and yesterday I did not have as much time as I wanted to play the demo before doing the video. So I just used that very effective combo over and over again with that amazingly powerful weapon (which I'm sure will not be available for that level in the final game) so I could show as much of the level as possible. Be sure that there are a lot of depth in the gameplay and it's not just another mindless button masher like I show in my video (yes you can defend, or use shurikens, or the bow...). Trying playing the entire level with just the first weapon is quite a challenge and requires a lot more work than just pressing X like I did.
I'll work on a video showcasing the different combos today.
Once again my apologies for the average video, how I played, and how I encoded it.

Gf-->Lej en film hvis du vil have en dyb historie :)

Samme film i 640x480 (131mb)
Spiller nu: Civilization IV, Halo 3, Everybody's Golf: World...
SephirothSephirothSkrevet 12/02-04 12:24, rettet 12/02-04 14:16 
Spiller nu: Catherine, Beyond Good & Evil HD
dynamitedavodynamitedavoSkrevet 12/02-04 12:41, rettet 12/02-04 12:44 
et program du skal bruge for at downloade filmen...

et link, anyone?

Spiller nu: Gears Of War 2, FIFA 09, Pro Evolution Soccer 20...
APHAPHSkrevet 12/02-04 13:47 
Spiller nu: Civilization IV, Halo 3, Everybody's Golf: World...
APHAPHSkrevet 13/02-04 08:59, rettet 13/02-04 09:31 
Ny film på ca 3 min, dog ikke i helt samme kvalitet som de forige.


...Og endnu en film der anvender Bittorrent (18,7MB)


En japansk ingame film, med en der virker til at være mere end almindelig god til spillet (107mb)

Spiller nu: Civilization IV, Halo 3, Everybody's Golf: World...
OkottaOkottaSkrevet 13/02-04 15:32, rettet 13/02-04 15:46 
Nu har jeg hentet alle filmene + alle de andre nye film jeg har kunnet finde, og set dem.

Team Ninja har udtalt, at fjenderne i spillet, ville være rigtigt smarte og meget sjove at slåsse med, men efter at ha' set filmene, så har jeg lidt svært ved at tro på det; Det ser ud som om AI'en nærmest ingenting laver, og kun engang imellem slår fjenderne lidt til én - det virker som om, at det kun er ved boss'ene at man får lidt modstand, da fjenderne i filmen bare bevæger sig rundt om spilleren, men praktisk talt aldrig går til angreb; Måske det er tidligt i spillet, og der bliver mere udfordring senere hen?

Derudover virker spillet som et Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, men bare med ninjaer. Man laver de samme akrobatiske sager, og slåsser mod fjender som har det med at teleportere ind på skærmen - men fjenderne i POP gad i det mindste at yde modstand.

Musikken lyder iøvrigt ret god og stemningsfuld.

Team Ninja kan ihvertfald lave grafik, men jeg håber Ninja Gaiden bliver rigtigt lækkert at spille og ikke bare flot at sidde og se på.

EDIT: Har kigget et par af filmene igen, og selvom det virker som om fjenderne ikke giver vildt megen modstand, så ryger der alligevel nogle hak ned på health baren, under kampene, så måske de ikke er så ringe alligevel.
Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I
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