Lord Of Gun


240p60Hz2.0 Stereo

Developer IGS
Publisher IGS
Edition US
Genre Target shooting game
Players 2
Links GameFAQs, KLOV
Lord Of Gun
DIP Switch-1 (4 Position DIP)
    DipSwitch Title   | Function | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
       Game Mode      |  Arcade  |off|           |
                      |  Street  |on |           |
       Selection      |   IGS    |   |off|       |
        of Guns       |  Konami  |   |on |       |
       Ranking        | Exciting |       |off|   |
      Background      |  Tender  |       |on |   |
      Coin Slots      | Seperate |           |off|
                      |  Common  |           |on |
     Settings Upon Shipping      |off|off|off|off|

Game modes explained:
 In "Arcade Mode" players could play this game by entering each scene in a
  pre-defined order.
 In "Street Mode" this game now presents 10 selectable scenes for players,
  not 4 any more.  After all scenes are passed (except training courses),
  players can enter the last scene; the Headquarters