Take-two har store X-box planer

StriferStriferSkrevet 30/05-03 15:26 
Ifølge gamers.com har Take-Two rigitg store x-box planer igang. Man kan aldrig vide om det bliver et nyt GTA! Jeg har hørt at Sony og Take-Two har en kontrakt, men hvem ved??

Take-Two planer......
XBL Gamertag: ZeNtiX
SumezSumezSkrevet 30/05-03 15:32 
MartinM >
Lastly, Lapin stated that Duke Nukem Forever would not be finished by the end of the year. "We wrote it down last quarter substantially, so we've generally already pulled the plug," Lapin commented.

The game that refused to be...
Det spil har allerede forlængst slået titler som Diablo 2, Heart of Darkness og Nosferatu
Spis sundt og tro på dig selvSpiller nu: Gravity Circuit, Bonze Adventure
StriferStriferSkrevet 30/05-03 15:33 
Har set det men det står jo ikke sikkert!
XBL Gamertag: ZeNtiX
ValkyrieValkyrieSkrevet 30/05-03 15:34, rettet 30/05-03 15:34 
i dont know, men læs det her fra GS:

"Take-Two recently held its quarterly earnings conference call to release some details on the status of the company and some of the upcoming games from the company's various labels, including Rockstar, Gathering of Developers, and Gotham Games. Perhaps the most interesting news to come out of the conference call came when Take-Two CEO Jeff Lapin said that Rockstar will be releasing "a significant Xbox [game]" in Q1 2004. When asked if it will be a Grand Theft Auto game, Lapin simply stated that the company would not comment on that yet. However, later in the conference, Lapin said that the previous exclusivity deal between Rockstar and Sony would not allow Grand Theft Auto games to appear on any other platforms, but that deal has since been amended. The next Grand Theft Auto game was discussed during the conference, and it was pointed out that the game will be released exclusively for the PlayStation 2 in the second half of 2004. "

Hvad betyder amended?? Betyder det så at GTA kun er tids only nu på PS2? Måske lidt ala hele SPlinter cell versionerne? Altså først eksklusiv til Xbox også senere de andre??

Faktisk, på alle spil hvor der står Only on Xbox på boxen, gælder det faktisk kun i tre måneder.

Well crucify the insincere tonight...
Born2PlayBorn2PlaySkrevet 30/05-03 17:34 
Jeg læser det, som aftalen er blevet ændret. Det kommer på de andre systemer (ala Splinter Cell).
Swine flu for me and you!Spiller nu: Batman: Arkham Asylum
RonaldoRonaldoSkrevet 30/05-03 17:43 
amended betyder ændret/forbedret, jeg ved så ikke lige præis hvordan det skal tolkes ud af det sammenhæng.
jaesjaesSkrevet 30/05-03 17:48 
Det kunne tyde på, at det er San Andreas (eller hvad titlen nu bliver), der er tale om. Altså Efterfølgeren til VC.
ckruseckruseSkrevet 01/06-03 16:41 
Kørte kontrakten med Sony ikke til 2005? :S
KTCKTCSkrevet 01/06-03 17:13 
Oktober 2004...
A small cog? Now that you mention it, I know a puzzle about an object that almost fits that description.
SoqratesSoqratesSkrevet 01/06-03 18:27 
Tæller man timer KTC? :P
KTCKTCSkrevet 01/06-03 19:03 
Det er lige før ;)
Nu har jeg både GTA3 og Vice City til Pc, men en Xbox-version ville nok være det optimale...
A small cog? Now that you mention it, I know a puzzle about an object that almost fits that description.
ValkyrieValkyrieSkrevet 01/06-03 22:20 
Specielt hvis det har Liveplay:)
Well crucify the insincere tonight...
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