


240p60Hz1.0 Mono

Developer Exidy
Publisher Exidy
Dimensions 65×79×185cm 128kg
Also for
Atari 2600, Colecovision...
Atari 2600, Colecovision, Intellivision
Players 1
Links GameFAQs, KLOV
|  Function        :                | SW#1 SW#2 SW#3 SW#4 SW#5 SW#6 SW#7 SW#8 |
| Coinage:                          |                                         |
|    2 Plays - 1 Coin               |                Off  Off            Off  |
|    1 Play  - 1 Coin               |                On   Off            Off  |
|    1 Play  - 2 Coin               |                Off  On             Off  |
|    1 Play  - 20 pence /           |                On   On             On   |
|    3 Plays - 50 pence             |                                         |
| Type of Coins:                    |                                         |
|    U.S. and other                 |                                    Off  |
|    English coins                  |                                    On   |
| Number of Turns:                  |                                         |
|    2 Bows and arrows (=turns)     |                          On   On        |
|    3 Bows and arrows              |                          Off  On        |
|    4 Bows and arrows              |                          On   Off       |
|    5 Bows and arrows              |                          Off  Off       |
| Bonus Bow:                        |                                         |
|    20,000 points                  |      On   On                            |
|    30,000 points                  |      Off  On                            |
|    40,000 points                  |      On   Off                           |
|    50,000 points                  |      Off  Off                           |
Function                   Switch #
--------                   ------
Pence/U.S. and other         8
Number of Turns             7,6
Number of Coins             5,4
Bonus Points                3,2
not used                     1